Refer a friend
Whilst we’re out and about in the world of education, we often chat to friends and colleagues about new opportunities and future plans. We hope you truly enjoy working with Philosophy Education and if you meet someone else who would benefit from our career support and services, we hope you will recommend them to us.
As a thank you for referring friends and colleagues to Philosophy Education, once they start working, you will receive a Lifestyle voucher which can be spent in high street shops,restaurants, days out and holidays. You’ll get a £250 Lifestyle voucher for referring a qualified teacher or a £150 Lifestyle voucher for referring a member of support staff.
To refer someone, simply fill in the form here on the website so we can contact them directly, or just make sure they put your name down when they register with us. There is no limit to the number of people you refer so feel free to spread the word!

Thank you, we’ll be in touch!
Vouchers will be sent to you via email once your friend has completed 20 full days or equivalent in hours working for Philosophy Education.