Philosophy Education is here
A fresh start
After nearly 20 years finding teachers jobs in London, running successful education recruitment companies and teaching in schools, we thought, why not start something new. We wanted to create a service that can uses our experience but is relevant and meaningful in the current climate of education recruitment.
We’ve had an amazing team supporting us to get here, fitting in hours around the school run and weekends to ensure we are ready for the task at hand – and it’s not necessarily a straightforward one.
Recruitment in a teaching recruitment crisis?!
Education relies on people. People who are willing to teach, competent, capable, nurturing and supportive and at the moment whilst there are many incredible educators working in our schools, there simply aren’t enough available in the numbers we need them to educate the large numbers of young people in London.
Many have referred to it as a teaching recruitment crisis. We’d probably be inclined to agree – so then why on earth have we started a company recruiting teachers and staff for schools?
Well, sometimes when a problem appears at its most challenging is when innovation, creativity and new ways of thinking are actually the most exciting and where real change can take place.
Time for change
At Philosophy Education we are here to help both education staff and schools with their immediate needs, of finding a teaching job in London or finding staff quickly and simply, but we are really driven to support schools and staff to explore new approaches and opportunities when finding work and employing staff.
We know it won’t be easy. Change isn’t easy. But we strongly believe that by listening to and working with our education community, we can create a modern recruitment service for London schools and staff..
We’re here to listen
So our doors are open, our conversation is open and our ears are open. Tell us what you want from us – we’re ready to create an education recruitment service for London that really meets your needs!